Research and Degrowth (R&D), organizacija, ki se posveča raziskovanju, izobraževanju, ozaveščanju in organiziranju dogodkov o odrasti (odrast, degrowth, je koncept, ime gibanja in način razmišljanja, ki nas opominjata, da neskončna rast na končnem planetu ni niti trajnostna niti zaželena), vabi na mednarodno poletno šolo o odrasti in okoljski pravičnosti med 23. junijem in 5. julijem 2019 v Barceloni in Cerbèru.
Mednarodna poletna šola z naslovom »Proposing pathways outside the growth, closure and depressive narratives« se bo ukvarjala z metodami, praksami in aktivizmom na področju odrasti in okoljske pravičnosti in je namenjena udeleženkam_cem iz akademske, raziskovalne in aktivistične sfere z različnimi ozadji in z različnih koncev sveta.
» … this year the summer school will focus on the concrete responses that degrowth can give, and aims to prepare the next policy makers, activists, and academics to discuss degrowth alternatives. We will explore the various sources of degrowth, and their need to be integrated. The summer school will bring visions of degrowth in different sectors such as housing, transport, food, low-tech and energy, building new exciting stories. We also aim to practice horizontally governance and take account of all important perspectives, be it from the grass-roots or from policy makers. We believe that a stable collaboration, trust, and coordination between activists, practitioners and researchers leads to mutual learning towards a new path of socio-ecological transformations and inspiring narratives.«
Prijavnina za poletno šolo znaša 200€, na voljo pa bo tudi nekaj štipendij.
Rok za prijave je 25. marec 2019.