Platforma nevladnih organizacij za razvoj, globalno učenje in humanitarno pomoč
SLOGA is a platform of non-governmental organizations (NGOs),
which work in the field of international development cooperation, global education and humanitarian aid.
The aim of the SLOGA platform is to connect and strengthen the partnerships among Slovenian NGOs, which are active and/or are raising awareness of Slovenian and European public about uneven distribution of global wealth and subsequent significance of global solidarity and interdependence.
Main task of SLOGA is to monitor and actively cooperate in the design, implementation and evaluation of Slovenian and European policies of international development cooperation, with the aim of advocating for the public interest on the field of social balance and responsibility, respect of human rights, equal opportunities, education, solidarity, sustainable development and greater integration of vulnerable social groups into decision-making processes in the context of development cooperation. Thus, SLOGA actively cooperates with political decision-makers and representatives of Slovenian media.
SLOGA is organizing education and training activities for development NGOs, is informing relevant stakeholders about contemporary issues on national, European and global level on weekly basis, is linking NGOs in the consortium partnerships for joint candidatures for European and national calls, and is encouraging all interested stakeholders to cooperate in SLOGA’s working groups.
HQ: Povšetova 37, 1000 Ljubljana
Office: Kopitarjeva 4, 1000 Ljubljana
Tel: +386 1 434 44 02
Mobile: +386 40 204 464
(or fill out the form below)
Members of Secretariat

SLOGA Board Members
- Robert Križanič (Zavod Povod), President of the Board
- Tanja Leskovar (Inštitut za afriške študije), Vice President
- Robin Dewa (Društvo Bodi Svetloba), Member
- Damir Žerak (Zavod Medgeneracijske Vzajemnosti), Member
- Marjan Huč (SLOGA), Employee’s Representative
Expert Council
- Aleksandra Gačić, President of the Council
- Jana Lampe
- Franci Zlatar
- dr. Boštjan Udovič
Contact Us
Let us know if you have any questions through the contact form below.