Title of the project:
“Update of the current status of implementation of international/bilateral trade regimes with ODA recipients and the current role of civil society and private sectors as development actors in the new EU Member states”.
Description of the project:
The project overall objective is to build transnational alliances between new EU Member states so as to capitalize and disseminate their best network and advocacy practices on the occasion of the existent international trade systems with ODA recipients and the role of private and civil society sectors as development actors.
The specific objectives of the project are as follows:
• To analyse the level of progress of the MDG 8 (target 8a) implementation.
• To examine the status of application of articles 13, 16 and 20 of the Accra Agenda for Action.
• To boost the awareness and confidence building towards the network capacities of the policy oriented civil society organizations to contribute to the development effectiveness.
Participating partners from the following countries:
Center for economic development, Sofia, Bulgaria
Center for Policy Studies at the Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Centre for Public Policy PROVIDUS, Riga, Latvia
Institute for Public Policy, Warsaw, Poland
Institute of Public Affairs, Bucharest, Romania
SLOGA Slovenian NGDO platform, Ljubljana, Slovenia
PASOS, Prague, Czech republic
PRAXIS Center for Policy Studies, Tallinn, Estonia
Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Bratislava, Slovakia
Developing open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory trade relations with priority ODA recipients
The role of civil society in development assistance and aid effectiveness
The role of the private sector in development assistance and aid effectiveness
Trade regimes