Webinar o vlogi mladih pri ustvarjanju inkluzivne družbe
Vabljeni na webinar “How can young people create a more inclusive society? The role of the sustainable development goals”, ki ga v sodelovanju z Gescod organizira ALDA in bo potekal 26. novembra med 15.00 in 16.30.
15.00 – 15.20: Online quiz “Do you know the SDGs?”
15.20 – 15.35: Presentation “What are the SDGs?”
15.35 – 15.45: JeChange and LIME project: how do they promote the SDGs and how they are implemented
15.45 – 16.15: Discussion groups in English or French “How to put the SDGs in practice?”
16.15 – 16.30: Plenary discussion
Webinar bo potekal v angleškem jeziku. Prijave.