Cilj globalnega tedna podnebnih sprememb, ki bo potekal od 19. do 25. oktobra, je spodbuditi akademske skupnosti – vključno z akademiki, študenti in neakademskimi sodelavci na univerzah – v vseh disciplinah in državah, da sodelujejo med seboj, njihovimi skupnostmi in oblikovalci politike o ukrepih in rešitvah podnebnih sprememb. Organizatorji vabijo k sodelovanju.
Objavljamo poziv v angleščini:
“There’s still time to respond to take part in Global Climate Change Week ( this year (October 9-15). There’s even still time to organise a simple activity, such as a climate change film (such a An Inconvenient Sequel:, or a discussion about the links between poverty and climate change, or a meeting to discuss what people at your university and in your community can do about these evils.
So please consider taking part (you can register your interest at and register activities at, and follow us on twitter (”