Svetovni teden vode 2020
Osrednja tema letošnjega svetovnega tedna vode so »Vode in podnebne spremembe: pospešeni ukrepi«. Med 24. in 26. avgustom se bo odvila kopica dogodkov: serija webinarjev in pogovorov.
Dogodek organizira SIWI, Stockholm International Water Institute.
Ponedeljek, 24. avgusta | 10:15-17:15 | WW4D – Climate Resilience starts with Water |
Ponedeljek, 24. avgusta | 17:00-17:45 | Aligning Measurement and Metrics for Basin Resilience |
Torek, 25. avgusta | 13:00-13:45 | Breaking Silos – Across Sectors and Boundaries |
Torek, 25. avgusta | 16:00-16:45
AMCOW’s Pan-Africa Groundwater Program – A Roadmap to Resilience (Part 1 of groundwater webinar series) |
Torek, 25. avgusta | 17:00 – 17:45
Global Groundwater Sustainability Statement – Call to Action for Resilience (Part 2 of groundwater webinar series) |
Sreda, 26. avgusta | 08:00-08:45 | Achieving Water Security and Resilience in Asia Pacific: AWDO 2020 |
Sreda, 26. avgusta | 11:00 – 11 – 45 | Groundwater to the Rescue! Climate Adaptation from the underground (Part 3 of groundwater webinar series) |
Sreda, 26. avgusta | 14:00 –15:30
Unpacking South Africa’s changing water law for transformative justice |
Sreda, 26. avgusta | 17:00-17:45 | Operationalizing farmer-led irrigation: implementers dialogue |