Med 14. in 17. septembrom bo Evropski parlament gostil konferenco o izzivih, s katerimi se demokratični sistemi spopadajo kot posledicami krize Covid-19.

Dogodek organizirajo International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA), European Endowment for Democracy (EED), European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), European Network of Political Foundations (ENoP) in Carnegie Europe.

Razprave bodo potekale prek spleta v živo.

V ponedeljek, 14. septembra bo med

  • How digital technologies are changing the political landscape (Tuesday, 18.00)
  • The impact of Covid-19 on the media and the rise of disinformation (Wednesday, 15.00)
  • How political parties are operating in the pandemic (Wednesday, 17.00)
  • The protests in Belarus (Thursday, 10.30)
  • How parliaments are going online to adapt to the challenges of the pandemic (Thursday, 14.30)

Odvili pa se bodo tudi drugi dogodki. Celoten program in registracije.

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