Konferenca EMEN “Innovative financing solutions for migrant entrepreneurs? Cross your own borders!”
EMEN, European Migrant Entrepreneurship Network organizira letno konferenco z naslovom “Innovative financing solutions for migrant entrepreneurs? Cross your own borders!”, ki bo 20. junija 2019 med 9.00 in 17.00 na Hague University of Applied Science v Haagu na Nizozemski.
“We will try to give some answers to questions such as: Are starting migrant entrepreneurs really that different from native entrepreneurs (or entrepreneurs without a migrant background)? Do we need to treat them as a special target group? Do we have to set up special schemes to finance their new businesses? Businesses that for sure will be helpful to them to participate in society, to break out of exclusion, to add value to society. Or do they also have their own ways of mobilising finance?”
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