Dogodek v sklopu NECE CAMPUS-a “Restarting Europe: The power of citizenship education and civic engagement”
Vabljeni k udeležitvi na dogodek Pecha Kucha “Restarting Europe: The power of citizenship education and civic engagement” z Ano Leão (Citizenship and English as a Foreign Language symbiosis on mainstream schooling: the key to Intercultural Democratic Education), Julie Raouane in Axelom Joderjem (UPPER “systemic UPscaling of Peace Education pRactices – UPPER), Davidom Cooperjem (BG6 Student Voice and Civic Education Research Group) in Michaelom Bergmannom (Generation Europe).
NECE CAMPUS bo gostil 4 dogodke Pecha Kucha, v sklopu katerih bodo predstavljeni mednarodni projekti na področju digitalizacije državljanske vzgoje, prihodnosti Evrope in trajnosti. Vpoglede bodo delili v seriji 20 diapozitivov, ki jih bodo spremljali 20-sekundi komentarji.
Facilitatorka dogodka bo Tanja Murphy-Ilibasic (PS-Development).
Dogodek bo potekal 8. oktobra med 13.15 in 14.00.
Dogodku sledite na facebook strani mreže NECE.