Dogodek v sklopu NECE CAMPUS-a “Redefining citizenship eduction: Empowerment through virtual collaboration”
Vabljeni k udeležitvi na dogodek Pecha Kucha “Redefining citizenship eduction: Empowerment through virtual collaboration” z Bernhardom Köhlejem (Mediating European Basic Values/ Rights for strengthening active EU Citizenship), Felsig Tibbitts (Pandemic Curriculum), Audrey Cheynut (Dialogue that you don’t expect: teachers, students and parents in collaborative conversations building better democracy and solidarity with Cards for Democracy) in Magdaleno Czarnecka (Soci@LL. Whole School Social Labs). Potekal bo 29. oktobra med 13.15 in 14.00.
Facilitatorka dogodka bo Tanja Murphy-Ilibasic (PS-Development).